Sunday, January 23, 2011

52 Weeks of Me: Week 4 (Focus on Unusual Elements)

I've got to be honest with ya.....Cara and Jessie picked a tough one for this week's theme: Focus on Unusual Elements. I decided to go about it in a different way. This project is about reflecting on yourself and sharing those things with others in the group. So I decided to share a photo I took of myself this week showing some likes of mine. (I love this shot because I am out of the center of attention and in the background) Hehe! One of the things I love to do (when I have time) is reading. Many who know me can attest to the fact that I usually can be found reading more "reference" type books on Photoshop or other general camera topics. But in the past couple years, I have tried to read different fiction books recommended by others, such as the Twilight and Janet Evanovich series. I really liked them! More recently, it was suggested I check out the "Girl with a Dragon Tattoo" series. I am only on the first one, but love it so far! Anyway, I thought to include this book in the picture as an "unusual element" of my usual reading collection. I also had to include my absolute favorite smiley mugs. They aren't your typical coffee mugs since they date back from the 70s. Plus, the fact that I collect smileys is an unusual element in itself! Whew...hope next week is easier! Check out the others in the Flickr pool here.

Week4_Unusual Elements


Jen January 24, 2011 at 9:55 PM  

I love your take on the theme. I thoroughly enjoyed the Twilight series and I think I have read every single one of Janet Evanovich's books. I know I will eventually read the GIrl with a Dragon Tattoo too. I liked being in the background this week too!

Cara January 25, 2011 at 8:59 AM  

I love what you did this week too! Those mugs made me smile and I knew it was your photo as soon as I saw them. You will have to let me know about that book and if it was any good.

Colleen @AMadisonMom January 25, 2011 at 11:59 PM  


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