Thursday, March 11, 2010

Team-Up Thursday: Sign

I had to laugh when I received Jody's picture this week because we had the same idea. Our theme this week was "sign." I tried to get Emily to sign "I Love You" and Tyler to sign "Peace." Easy task, right? Yeah, not so much - Haha! Emily did her part perfectly, but it was impossible to get both of their hands signing in the same shot. Tyler would wave his hand around, signing "Peace" for what seemed like an eternity. But, never fail...just as I would pick up the camera to get the shot, he's stop completely!! So I just thought it was funny how we both tried to think a little outside the box with our theme. Jody nailed a beautiful shot in her attempt. Who doesn't adore close-ups of little hands?

Since the signing didn't pan out, I decided to seek inspiration once again throughout the streets of Philadelphia while walking to the train home. After looking at hundreds on street signs, traffic signs and retail store signs, I decided to snap a shot of the Hard Rock Cafe sign. I just love how the musical-themed restaurant has a guitar-shaped sign - clever! I also decided to kick it up a notch by putting a cool preset on the photo while editing in Lightroom.

Check out Megan and Melody to see more Theme Thursday shots.


Killlashandra March 11, 2010 at 10:10 AM  

I love your hardrock sign! Reminds that there is one actually coming to NM. I can't decide if that's good or bad. ;) I love your perspective though looking up at the guitar. And Jody's shot is great too. It's funny you were both thinking the same thing but the took different routes.

I tried to leave a comment on Jody's blog but I'm not sure I was successful.

bBchronicles March 11, 2010 at 10:16 AM  

Nicely DONE! Great detail in the Hard Rock photo - bold and in-your-face. Then, the gentleness of the hands softens the feel! Well captured, you guys.

Megan March 11, 2010 at 10:55 AM  

love the processing and perspective on your hard rock sign. sometimes it's what you don't plan that comes out so well. and paired up with those cute hands? so nice :).

Jessie March 11, 2010 at 11:35 AM  

What a great angle on the sign and the processing really makes it cool. My girls all do the "more" sign. That is a nice take on your theme. Well done this week I love it!

i love plum March 11, 2010 at 1:35 PM  

love this you two!

Rebecca March 11, 2010 at 4:47 PM  

Love your shot, and the processing make a very nice touch to it. Two opposite perspectives that make team up so fun!

Arizaphale March 12, 2010 at 7:46 PM  

I think two sets of signing hands would not have had the impact of this contrasting pair of photos. What does the little 'hand sign' mean? It would be really cool if it linked to the idea of 'serve'...does it?
And what do you mean by a 'preset' on lightroom? I am such a novice at this processing thing. My husband is a professional but will he give me lessons? No :-D

jody March 14, 2010 at 12:13 AM  

shelly, this looks great! I, too, think it's so funny that we were on the same thought process! I actually wanted to do a real "sign" in our alley, but couldn't get a shot due to all the snow-melt flooding!
i absolutely LOVE your shot! The perspective and the lighting...and the sky! The contrast of our photos is great...I love how it comes together. xxoo jody

Melissa G March 15, 2010 at 11:08 PM  

Love your shot - the processing it great! It really looks cool.

Stacy March 16, 2010 at 9:52 AM  

I love both the interpretations. :) Great shot of the sign and love the processing. It adds a bit of edginess to it.

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