Thursday, March 4, 2010

Team-Up Thursday: Walk

I'm finally participating in my first Team-Up Thursday after Megan paired me up with Jody out in Iowa. It's been fun getting to know her a little and I look forward to all of our posts together.

I had a hard time with this week's suggested "walk" theme. I originally intended of thinking of a new theme until I got an email from Jody, telling me that her little girl just started walking. How perfect of a theme is that for capturing those little baby feet! You can't deny capturing moments like that.

Anyway, I ventured out into the streets of downtown Philadelphia after work, trying to capture some feet/legs in motion. For some reason I pictured the Beatles walking across Abbey Road when I thought of this theme. I tried to snap several shots of people walking across the crosswalk, but either their strides were off, there were annoying background distractions or...this sounds so silly...they had unappealing shoes. Haha! So, although I didn't get my Abbey Road shot, I managed to take an angled shot of some lady in mid-stride with some cool boots! Jody's picture is just precious and I thought it was neat how both of our pictures were "walking" in the same direction. They paired together well!

Check out Megan and Melody to see more Theme Thursday shots.


Cara March 4, 2010 at 8:16 AM  

I love how they are walking in the same direction too. Great job guys!

i love plum March 4, 2010 at 8:25 AM  

great shots...i'd know that baby anywhere...jody is a wonderful lady! xo

Megan March 4, 2010 at 10:00 AM  

LOL at your ugly shoe comment :). it looks like these are an age-progressed pair: one of the baby and then years later as she walks down the street -- what a happy coincidence!

HipMomma March 4, 2010 at 10:14 AM  

Well, I think you two created your own Abbey Road with those two shots together! Way cool.

Jen March 4, 2010 at 10:52 AM  

I don't think you could have planned the shots better. Looks like they are walking together. Love it.

Joanna March 4, 2010 at 2:18 PM  

To have them walking in the same direction is great. I dont think I could have just gone out into the strees and started snapping people. Bravo for you! The sweet little first steps of a child is something we all love to capture. Great dip!

Melissa G March 4, 2010 at 10:29 PM  

Great shot of the boots - and I love your story of getting it. And this pair is perfect together.

Kimberly March 5, 2010 at 6:55 PM  

Those boots were made for walking! ;) I love that you went with the theme and then had the courage to shoot strangers. I never would have even thought of that!

jody March 14, 2010 at 12:05 AM  

shelly, somehow I was pulling up your blog, and getting the feb. I haven't seen this or read your blog lately. Sorry!!! Again, you are just lovely and I love how you've framed the photos. I love your story of finding your fun! I'll "talk" to you soon...we're en route to Phoenix right now. Somewhere in New Mexico...xxoo jody

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