Beautiful flower shot! I hope you succeed in warding off the snowstorm. You guys on the East Coast have sure gotten a lot of snow this year. We have gotten a normal amount I would say, but I just want the cold to go away and for spring to appear. I hope by the end of March we will be seeing some signs of spring.
So your going to teach me how you did that Friday night right? Love this, I love even more that you keep posting. I am not use to seeing you blog highlighted with new items in my reader (LOL)!!!!!
Beautiful, Shelly!!!
I hope so too, although the weather has been super fickle this year. It's a lovely shot, I like the edge burn. :)
Beautiful flower shot! I hope you succeed in warding off the snowstorm. You guys on the East Coast have sure gotten a lot of snow this year. We have gotten a normal amount I would say, but I just want the cold to go away and for spring to appear. I hope by the end of March we will be seeing some signs of spring.
So your going to teach me how you did that Friday night right? Love this, I love even more that you keep posting. I am not use to seeing you blog highlighted with new items in my reader (LOL)!!!!!
Beautiful shot!
So how is it up there? I'm SUPPOSED to fly home tomorrow. Right now my flight says we're good... but boy the news on the weather looks bad.
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